Functions in the title bar

The following functions are available in the title bar.

Element Description

Opens a context menu in which you can select a Use case.

Watch our video ...

Use case selection – How to add new use cases

You can switch between the open use cases using the drop-down list.
 Print Opens the Print window in which the maps and information for the route can be printed (see Print route information).

 My account
Change password

You have the option here of setting a new password.

Note: You will only be able to access this function if you have been assigned the appropriate rights in the administration tool.

Automatic login

This function generates a direct link that automatically starts PTV Map&Guide intranet with your user data The link allows you to save time by skipping the start window where you would need to enter your user data, and the link can be bookmarked as a favourite in your browser or saved as a shortcut on the desktop, for example.

Notes: Ensure that you enter the correct password. PTV Map&Guide intranet cannot be started if the password entered is incorrect.
If you change your password, the direct link must be generated again.

Saving a profile

Opens the Save profile window. Here you can set which of the changes currently being made (for example opened use cases, column sort, routing parameters...) If you wish to save (see Saving a profile).

Note: You will only be able to access this function if you have been assigned the appropriate rights in the administration tool.

Reset profile to default

Resets profile setting to the default settings delivered with the program.

Option Save profile automatically on exit

If the option is enabled, the changes made during the current login session are automatically saved when leaving.

Note: In the settings you can define which changes should and should not be saved (see General settings).

More information can be found in the article Reset program settings.

 Administration tool

Opens the PTV Map&Guide intranet Administration tool, in which you can manage users and rights.


Opens the Settings window in which you can customise PTV Map&Guide intranet to suit your needs.

More information can be found in the article Setting options for the program.


Opens the System information window.

Here, you can find news on PTV Map&Guide intranet version releases, system information and much more.


Opens a context menu in which you can select from various help topics.

Search field in which you can search for articles in the online help.

 Log out

Logs you off as PTV Map&Guide intranet user.