Specifying settings for the emissions calculation

You can calculate the average emission values for each route.

In doing so you can choose between 3 calculation methods.

Calculation according to HBEFA

Here, the emissions are calculated using data from version 3.2 of HBEFA (Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport) from July 2014 (see Emissions calculation with HBEFA 3.2.)

The emissions calculation includes several factors, such as vehicle properties, load (weight) and route profile (inclines).


Calculation according to EN 16258

Energy consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions are calculated in accordance with the standard EN 16258 "Method for the calculation and declaration of energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases in transport services (goods and passenger transport)".

Note: If you do not know the exact fuel consumption of your vehicle, you can calculate the emissions using default values in accordance with HBEFA or UK DEFRA 2014.


Calculation in accordance with decree no. 2017-639

Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are calculated in accordance with "Decrét n° 2017-639 du 23 juin 2017 relatif à l'information sur la quantité de dioxyde de carbone émise à l'occasion d'une prestation de transport".



Note: For calculations in accordance with EN 16258 or decree no. 2017-639 you can specify the method for determining the fuel consumption for each vehicle (see Define fuel consumption tab).