Calculating emissions in accordance with decree no. 2017-639

The following steps are necessary to calculate emissions in accordance with the standard entitled "Décret n° 2017-639 du 23 juin 2017 relatif à l'information sur la quantité de dioxyde de carbone émise à l'occasion d'une prestation de transport" [Decree No. 2017-639 of 23 June 2017 on information regarding the quantity of carbon dioxide emitted during use of the transport].

Settings: Select calculation method

  • Click on Settings in the title bar at the top.

    The Settings window opens.

  • In the navigation tree, select the entry Route planning > Emissions calculation.

  • Select the option Calculation in accordance with decree no. 2017-639.

  • If your vehicles run on biofuel, please specify the bio component of the fuel (diesel or petrol) under Admixture of biofuel as a percentage.

  • Confirm your entries with OK.

Vehicle management: Specify the method for determination of the fuel consumption


  • In the title bar, open the  Vehicle Management use case.

    Vehicle management opens in a new tab.

  • Double-click on the desired vehicle in the list or create a new vehicle profile (see Creating vehicles).

  • Click on the Fuel Consumption Method tab.

  • Specify the method for calculating the fuel consumption.

    Element Description
    Option Individual measurement

    Select this method if you have specific measurements for the vehicle.

    If the option is enabled, you will be asked to enter the specific measurement for the vehicle before calculating the route.

    Required for the calculation PTV Map&Guide intranet the vehicle licence number or the name of the vehicle and a measurement of consumption for a specific distance.

    Option Route-specific average value

    Select this method if you have recorded the consumption figures for a collective trip or another regular trip.

    If the option is enabled, you will be asked to enter the average value for a specific route before calculating the route.

    For the calculation, PTV Map&Guide intranetrequires the average consumption value for a regular trip and the corresponding route distance.

    Option Average value for individual vehicle

    Select this method if you have recorded consumption figures for the vehicle.

    If the option is enabled, the calculation is performed with the average consumption per 100 km specified.

    Option Fleet value

    Select this method if you have recorded consumption figures for your fleet.

    If the option is enabled, the calculation is performed with the average consumption per 100 km.

    Here you have to enter the appropriate figure in the entry field.

    Option Default values

    Select this method if you have no recorded consumption figures.

    If you preset values alone, you must enter the reasons. These are then shown on the emissions report.

    Note: For an emissions calculation using pre-set values in accordance with the decree no. 2017-639, the emissions are calculated on the basis of standard vehicle types which have been saved. In the list of vehicle modes and the type of transport, select the vehicle mode which is closest to the vehicle which is to be used.

  • Confirm your entries with OK.