Calculating emissions in accordance with HBEFA

The following steps are necessary to calculate emissions in accordance with HBEFA.

Settings: Select calculation method

  • Click on Settings in the title bar at the top.

    The Settings window opens.

  • In the navigation tree, select the entry Route planning > Emissions calculation.

  • Select the option Calculation in accordance with HBEFA.

  • Confirm your entries with OK.

Vehicle management: Specify the emission-relevant data

The emissions-relevant data of each vehicle must be stated in order for the correct emissions values to be calculated.


  • In the title bar, open the  Vehicle Management use case.

    Vehicle management opens in a new tab.

  • Double-click on the desired vehicle in the list or create a new vehicle profile (see Creating vehicles).

  • Specify the emission-relevant data in the Technical Data tab:

    • Unladen weight

    • Gross permitted weight

    • Emission class

    • Fuel type

  • Confirm your entries with OK.