Find the target margin using the selling price

PTV Map&Guide internet supports you with price finding for a trip if you would like to achieve a particular margin.


  • Enter the stop-off points or the orders on your trip.

    Note: If you already know for what price you would like to offer the order, you can enter the planned selling price in the order or at the stop-off point (see Editing stop-off points or Create orders).

  • Select the vehicle that should complete this trip.

    If the vehicle is assigned a cost profile and a wage profile, this will be automatically shown in the route planning settings and taken into account for the cost calculation (see Create cost profile and Create wage profile). If this is not the case, a cost/wage profile can be selected in the route planning settings (see Specifying settings for route planning).
    If you select a reference vehicle, the assumption is always that the vehicle is fully loaded. The calculated empty journey percentage is therefore always 100%.

  • Select whether the trip should be completed with one or two drivers.

  • Calculate the route.

    PTV Map&Guide internet determines the costs of the trip using the selected cost and wage profile.

  • Enter the Target margin in the Price finding area, either in percent or as an absolute amount.

  • The calculated Target selling price for the complete trip is shown in the Price finding area.