Create orders

If you run a transport from A to B, you can create an order with a pickup point and a delivery point.

Advantage: If you optimise the stop-off point list, the visit sequence is taken into account for orders.


  • Click on Orders > Split costs at the top of the list of stop-off points.

    Tip: Alternatively, you can enter the stop-off points above the specified location, mark two stop-off points and link these to an order using the context menu.

  • Enter the order details.


    Element Description
    Order ID (mandatory field) Enter the order ID
    Load [t]

    Enter the load quantity in tonnes

    Customer Customer's name
    Phone number Customer's telephone number
    Description If there are particular points to note regarding pickup or delivery, you can enter these here.

    Enter the price you will receive for the transport order.

    This information is taken into account in cost calculation and price finding.

  • Enter the details of the pickup and delivery points.

    tab Element and description
    Address Enter the location data for the stop-off point (see Entering route stop-off points).

    Enter the appropriate load code if the load is categorised as hazardous goods.

    Note: If you enter a load code, the appropriate tunnel restrictions are taken into account in the route planning. If there are no more hazardous goods to be loaded, the set load code applies up until the point of delivery.


    Notes: Time slots are only included in the route planning if the Time slot routing parameter is enabled (see Specifying settings for route planning).
    In the settings you can specify a standard stay duration which will apply to all stop-off points (Settings > Route Planning > Stop-off points)

    How long is the stay duration at the stop-off point?

    Enter the time that you have factored in for pickup/delivery.

    The stay duration must be entirely within the time slots

    If this option is enabled, the route will be planned such that pickup/delivery takes place within the set time slots.

    Which time slots must be included?

    You can enter up to three time slots per day.

    In Date you can specify that pickup/delivery must take place on a particular day.

    Comment Enter an additional comment for the stop-off point.

    If particular costs are incurred at the stop-off point, such as for vehicle cleaning, you can enter these here.

    This information is taken into account in cost calculation and price finding.



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Orders – How to create and edit your orders


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