Create cost profile

In the cost profile you define which costs are included in route planning. A cost profile can be assigned to several vehicles in your fleet.

If you know the vehicle's variable and fixed costs, you can enter these directly.

Note: Alternatively, you can have the route-based costs (EUR/km) and the time-based costs (EUR/h) calculated using the Calculation button.

  • In the title bar, click on   

  • Select the  Vehicle Management entry in the context menu.

    Vehicle management opens in a new tab.

  • Click on the Cost profiles tab.

  • On the toolbar, click New.

    The window Create cost profile opens.

  • Make the desired settings.

    Section and element Description

    Entry field Name

    Enter a name for the cost profile.

    Route-based costs area

    Fuel consumption (l per 100 km

    Enter the fuel consumption in litres per 100 km.

    Fuel price per l

    Enter the price of fuel in EUR per litre.

    Fuel costs per km Display of the calculated fuel costs per km.

    Vehicle costs per km

    Currency drop-down list

    Entry of other vehicle costs per km

    Currency selection

    Note: Please note that changing the currency does not convert the values you have entered.

    Route costs (per km) Calculated costs per driven distance unit, i.e. kilometre or mile, in the selected currency.
    Time-based costs area

    Time costs (per h)

    Currency drop-down list

    Costs per hour in the selected currency

    Notes: The default setting is for this cost rate to relate to driving time only. If you want to assign the cost rate you have entered to other time periods as well, for example driving time breaks, tick the corresponding options.
    Please note that changing the currency does not convert the value you have entered.

    Trip-based costs area
    Fixed costs (per trip)

    Currency drop-down list

    Fixed costs per trip in the selected currency.

    Note: Please note that changing the currency does not convert the value you have entered.

    Fixed costs (per calendar day)

    Currency drop-down list

    Fixed costs per calendar day in the selected currency, for example the daily rate of a subcontractor.

    Note: Please note that changing the currency does not convert the value you have entered.

    The costs apply to all countries

    If this option is enabled, the same cost rates will be used for all countries.

    If the option is not enabled, you can use the Exceptions button to define separate cost rates for individual countries.

    Section Allocation of time costs
    Which periods should costs apply to? Select the periods which are to be included in the cost calculation.
    Calculate toll costs with this cost profile

    If this option is enabled, the toll is calculated when the cost profile is selected.

    If this option is not enabled, no toll is calculated. This can be useful if, for example, you have concluded an agreement with a subcontractor in which the toll is already included in the flat-rate prices.

    Calculation button Opens a new window in which route costs (EUR/km) and time costs (EUR/h) can be calculated (see Calculating variable costs).

     Private If this option is enabled, the cost profile is only visible to the creator.
     Visible for all users in your company, but only the creator can modify the profile

    If this option is enabled, the cost profile is visible to all employees in the company, but it can only be modified by the creator.

    Visible for all users in your company, and anyone can modify the profile If this option is enabled, the cost profile is visible to all employees in the company and everyone can modify the data.

Calculation button Opens a new window in which route costs (EUR/km) and time costs (EUR/h) can be calculated (see Calculating variable costs).

Confirm your entries with OK.


Watch our video ...

Cost profiles – How to create cost and salary profiles


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