The stop-off point list context menu

The list of stop-off points provides a context menu, which in addition to the standard functions ( Cut, Copy, Insert, Delete) also contains other functions for editing individual stop-off points and the list of stop-off points.

Tip: Alternatively you can access the functions above the list of stop-off points by clicking Edit.

Element Description
 Change Opens the window Editing stop-off points.
 Centre Centres the selected stop-off point on the map.
 Show detailed information Shows detailed information on the selected stop-off point.
 Search for freight around selected stop-off point Searches for freights around the selected stop-off point.

Connect to order

Note: Only active if two stop-off points are selected.

Open the Create order window in which you can provide information about pickup and delivery points.

Remove order reference

Note: Only active if two stop-off points are selected.

Deletes the connection between two stop-off points. All details that have been added to the order will be deleted.

 Delete all Deletes all stop-off points in the list.
 Reverse sequence Reverses sequence.
 Return to start Inserts the starting point as destination.
Open in new use case Duplicates the list of stop-off points in a new route planning use case.