Database - General Details

In the General Details tab, select the import file and specify how the file is structured.

Element Description
Entry field Name of database

Entry of a meaningful name

The name of the database which is assigned here, appears for example in the list of databases.

Note: If you do not specify a name, the name of the import file is entered automatically.

Search button

Use the button to select the CSV file with the addresses which are to be imported.

Tip: As soon as the import file has been loaded, a preview of the records is displayed. In the preview you can see how the setting changes affect the data.

Note: If you wish to test the import with an example file, please download the following file: DataImport.txt.
To do this, right-click on the link and save the file on your hard drive.

 First row contains field names

Activate this option if the first line of the import file contains the field names.

 Character string is in inverted commas Activate this option if the data of the import file are in inverted commas, for example "1024", "Amsterdam", Bruinvisstraat".
Drop-down list separator

Here you can select which separators are to be used in your import file.

You can freely enter the separators with the entry Others....

Drop-down list

Coding of the import file

The default setting is automatic, which means that the import file PTV Map&Guide internet is analysed to determine the language code which is used.

Alternatively, you can select the language codes UTF-8 or ASCII directly from the drop-down list.

Note: If umlauts are not displayed correctly when the example file is imported, please change the character set to UTF-8.

The data are shared by all authorised users within your company.

If this option is enabled, the data are visible to all employees in the company (read-only access).

Only the user who created the database can modify or delete the data.

If this option is disabled, only you have access to the address list. The address lists are not shown for other users and the addresses cannot be used by others in the program.

Note: Databases to which users have read-only access are labelled with the symbol in PTV Map&Guide internet.
You can assign users full access to databases using the administration tool. For this, in the window Change Group > tab Address Types Rights Full Access must be selected in the desired group for the database.

Use database for quick search

If this option is enabled, you can search the contents of the fields in the database using Route Planning.

In the Structure tab you specify which field contents can be searched for.

Tip: To search for the content of a description field, enter a "+" and the term which is to be searched for.


Database - Table structure