Show emissions

Showing emissions and printing emission report

The emissions for the calculated route are displayed in the Emissions tab.

Note: If you have calculated several routes, the results of each are shown in a separate tab (Route 1, Route 2, Route 3, Route 4). The tabs for the routes have the same colour as the corresponding routes on the map.

  • To print the emissions report, click on Print in the title bar.

    The Print window opens.

  • In the navigation tree, select the entry Emissions.

  • Confirm with Print.

Customising the emissions list

The emissions list can be customised by showing or hiding columns.

  • Move the mouse to the right corner of the column heading.

    A small arrow appears.

  • Click on the arrow and select the desired entry from the context menu.

  • If you wish to show additional columns or hide existing ones, click the entry Columns and highlight the required entries in the context menu.

  • If you wish to sort the list, select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

    Note: The entries are greyed out if sorting the data is has little effect.

HBEFA: Displaying vehicle-related emissions

When calculating emissions according to HBEFA, you can see how many emissions the vehicle produces on average per kilometre.

  • Click above the list of emissions on Vehicle related emission factors.