Calculating/Optimising the route

After you have entered the stop-off points and the settings, begin route planning on the toolbar using Calculate or Optimise.

Calculate the route

If the sequence of the specified stop-off points are not to be optimised, start the route planning with Calculate or with the F9 key.

Alternatively, you can start the route calculation by clicking on the Itinerary, Costs, Emissions, Report or Freight exchange tabs.

Tip: You can calculate up to three alternative routes.

Optimising routes

The stop-off points are listed in the sequence in which they were entered. If three or more stop-off points are entered, the sequence of stop-off points can be entered, thus optimising the route.

PTV Map&Guide intranet checks the sequence which provides the best route. The stop-off points are sorted accordingly and the route is calculated.

Note: The sequence optimisation includes driving breaks and rest periods as well as time slots if these routing options are enabled (see Specifying settings for route planning).

  • Enter your stop-off points.

  • On the toolbar click Optimise.

The sequence of stop-off points is optimised.

Customising sequence optimisation settings

You can define how and for which stop-off points in the list the sequence is optimised and if the route planning should start directly.

  • On the toolbar click the small arrow next to Optimise

    The selection menu Optimisation settings opens.

  • Make the required settings.

    Element Description
    Direct distance option This process optimises stop-off points using direct distances only.
    According to road kilometres option

    This process calculates the actual distance between the stop-off points in road kilometres/miles and uses this as the basis for optimisation. Road kilometres/miles are calculated using the selected vehicle. This optimisation process takes longer but is more accurate.

    Stop-off points Specify from which and to which stop-off point the sequence should be optimised.
    Option Calculate according to route optimisation.

    If you remove the check, when you click on Optimise, only the stop-off points will be sorted again. The route calculation is started later using Calculate.