Map Settings

This section describes which settings you can define for the map.


Under Display you can define if and which map elements you wish to see on the map.

Note: Changes in the specifications only apply after restarting the program.


  • In the navigation tree, select the entry Map > Display.

  • Make the desired settings:

    Section Element and description
    Map elements Here you can decide if you wish to have the zoom buttons and the sale displayed.
    Map section

    This where you define the appearance of the map section when you click an entry in a list, for example, an itinerary.

    • No change to map section: The map section does not change. This option saves some time, but offers no visual control.

    • Centre on current object if not visible: If the object is not visible on the current map section, the map now centres on the object. If the selected object is already visible on the map, it will be highlighted, but the map section itself does not change.

    • Always centre: The map section is set so that the selected object is in the middle.


    Here you determine if stop-off points are labelled and whether navigational instructions and time and route information are shown for a calculated route.

    Use the Show pop-up for locations option to specify whether a tooltip is displayed when you hover the mouse over a location.

    Note: Only the most important navigation information is shown on the map, e.g. a change of motorway. Displaying all information would make the map too cluttered.


    Show postcodes

    If the option is enabled, the postcodes are shown in the map.

    Show place names in local language

    If this option is enabled, place names are shown in the relevant local language.



  • In the navigation tree, select the entry Map> Objects.

  • Make the required settings in the list of data sets:

    Section Element and description
    Option Visibility

    By using the Option, you can define whether objects of the data set are displayed on the map.

    Selectable option

    Here you can define whether an object visible on the map can be selected.

    Note: If an object cannot be selected, there is no available context menu with which you can, for example, transfer the object to the station list.



Under Zoom you define the zoom behaviour on the map when an object is selected in the list.


  • In the navigation tree, select the entry Map > Zoom.

  • Make the desired settings:

    Section Element and description
    List Here you define how the zoom level in the map changes when an object is selected in a list.


Tip: If you wish to restore this window to factory settings, click Restore default.

External map layers

Under External Map Levels you can integrate the data from a WMS (Web Map Service) and display this as a level on the map.

Note: It is currently only possible to connect WMS services which support the Mercator projection (EPSG:900913).


  • In the navigation tree, select the entry Map > External map levels.

  • Click on Adding map levels.

  • Make the desired settings.

    Element Description
    List Here the connected external map layers are displayed.
    Adding map levels / Removing map levels Creates a map level or removes the selected map level.
    Name Entry of a meaningful name
    URL Copy the URL of the desired WMS into the entry field.
    Layers If the WMS has several information layers, you can separately list the layers which are to be displayed using a comma.
    Projection It is currently only possible to connect WMS services which support the Mercator projection (EPSG:900913).
    Opacity Using the slider you can specify the opacity of the external map level.
  • Confirm your entries with Save.

Tip: If you wish to restore this window to factory settings, click Restore default.