Use search filters (POI search, Data Manager)

If you search in databases for a term, you can narrow the search using search filters.

You can use search filters in the following areas:


  • Route planning: Search for POIs

  • Data Manager: Search in opened databases

Note: Please note that you can search only in fields which have been designated as search fields (see Database - Table structure).

Partial word search

Search term

Enter the search term and all of the records which contain the search term will be searched.

The search for Street, for example, finds the results Liverpool Street, Oxford Street and Liverpool Street Station.

Exact search

"Search term"

If you put the search term in quotation marks, only records which contain this exact term will be found.

Searching for "Station" will only find results which contain this exact term. Records which contain "Station restaurant", for example, will not be found.

Tip: Only use this filter if you are searching for a certain term, as other helpful results will not be displayed.

Search with placeholders (wildcard search)

If you use a percentage sign as a placeholder, all records which contain the search term and any series of characters instead of the placeholder will be found.

%Search term

Searching for %37 finds all records which end with 37, for example 437 or 4737 or 37 Baker Street.

Search term%

Searching for 37% finds all records which start with 37, for example 37655, 379, 37H, or 37 Baker Street.


Searching for 37%99 finds all records which start with 37 and end with 99, for example 37599 or 37HT99.