The calculation view

In the calculation view, PTV Map&Guide intranet offers you the chance to find realistic selling prices for orders and to calculate break-even margins.

Note: You must have calculated a route before you can use the functions in the calculation view.

You can choose between the following views in the drop-down list (1):

  • Price finder

    In the Price finder view you can enter a target margin in percent or EUR for the trip. PTV Map&Guide intranet calculates the corresponding selling price of the trip (see Find the target margin using the selling price).

  • Break-even analysis

    In the Break-even analysis view, you have information about how much contribution margin the trip generates. If you have already provided the selling process for the orders, these will be added and offset against the costs arising. Alternatively, you can enter the selling price for the entire trip and obtain the achieved margin in percent and absolute (see Calculate break-even margins).

  • Price finder/Break-even analysis

    The Price finder/Break-even analysis view combines both views.

Tip: The Alternative routes list can be used to switch between calculated routes.


Watch our videos ...

Calculation – How to calculate prices
Pricing – How to determine margins and selling prices
Break-even analysis – How to examine your profit margin