Monitor sent routes

The Sent Routes use case gives you an overview of all routes that you have sent to your drivers' PTV Driver app.

You are shown the current status of each route and all the stop-off points it contains. You can also use the SCEM ID of a route or the SCEM ID of a stop-off point to show the planned and estimated arrival time.


  • In the title bar, click on   

  • Choose the  Sent Routes entry from the context menu.

It contains a list of all the routes that you have sent to your drivers' PTV Driver app.

Status of routes and stop-off points.

The colour coding shows you the status of a route at a glance. If you open the route by clicking on the symbol, this will show all stop-off points and you will see the execution status of every stop-off point.

Route status

Colour Description


  • Trip has ended or
  • trip is currently in progress


  • The trip includes delays which are longer than the maximum tolerated difference or
  • At least one stop on the trip has been cancelled


  • Outdated trips
  • Trips during which a delay occurred during at least one stop

White: Route sent, trip has not yet started



Stop-off point status

The current status of each stop-off point is shown when you open the sent route.

ID Description

The stop-off point has been sent to the driver

Being driven to

The driver has selected the stop-off point in the PTV Driver app and calculated the route


The driver has arrived at the stop-off point and confirmed the arrival in the PTV Driver app.


The driver has selected the next stop-off point in the PTV Driver app.

Note: The Departed status is only shown if the stop-off point previously had the status Arrived.

Cancelled The stop-off point was "skipped" in the PTV Driver app.
Suspended This status is shown if the driver chooses "Stop" in the PTV Driver app, answers the question "Have you reached your destination?" with "No" and starts calculation for the next stop-off point.

Show planned and expected arrival time

You can display planned and estimated arrival times using the SCEM ID of a sent route or the SCEM ID of a stop-off point.



  • To show all planned and expected arrival times for the route, click on the relevant link in the SCEM ID column.

It shows the expected and planned arrival time for each stop-off point along the route.

Stop-off points


  • To show the status of a stop-off point, open the route by clicking on the symbol.

  • Click on the link next to your chosen stop-off point in the Tracking Link column.

It shows the expected and planned arrival time for the selected stop-off point.


Manually marking a route as completed

You can manually mark a sent route as completed.


  • Right-click on the route that you want to mark as completed.

  • Choose the entry Mark as completed from the context menu.

The route will have a green status.

Filtering routes

To get a better overview you can filter sent routes according to different criteria.


  • Click on the Filter field above the list.

  • Choose your filter criterion.

Searching for routes

You can search for routes by, for example, entering the SCEM ID or the name of a place into the search field.

Show vehicles in the map

You can display vehicles that are currently on the road on the map.

Note: The positions of the vehicles in the map can only be displayed if the drivers have activated the Tracing option in the PTV Driver app (Settings > Tracing).

  • Click Show vehicles in the toolbar above the list.

The current positions of the vehicles are displayed on the map.