Driving times and rest periods

The following provides an explanation of terms used in relation to driving time and rest periods.

Maximum driving time before break

The driver must take a break of at least 45 minutes after a maximum of 4.5 hours' driving time. This maximum timespan of 4.5 hours' driving is the driving time before a break.

Duration of break

Every driver is legally required to take a break of at least 45 minutes after no more than 4.5 hours' driving time.

Minimum length of partial breaks

The break of at least 45 minutes can be replaced by two partial breaks, as long as the maximum driving time before the break (4.5 hours) is not exceeded. The first part of break must be at least 15 minutes, the second part of break at least 30 minutes.

Duration of shift time

Shift time is made up of driving time, loading times and breaks.

Rest period duration

The rest period is the period of time not made up of driving time, stops at a stop-off point or breaks. The rest period as well as the break is for the driver to recover. It automatically comes into effect when the drivers shift time has ended.

Maximum driving time before rest period

The driving time is the length of time that the driver spends actively driving. Driving time is part of the shift time. The driver may spend a maximum of 9 hours at the wheel per shift.


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