Find nearest address
You can search for the addresses which are nearest to a place or a point which you have clicked on in the map and add the addresses found to the route planning.
Note: You can only use the local search functions if you have been assigned the appropriate rights in the administration tool.
Specify search parameters
Start by specifying which addresses you wish to search for and subject to what conditions.
Tip: If you always want to use the same search settings, you can save your search parameters in the title bar My account >
Save profile.
Open the Route Planning use case.
Switch to the Local search tab.
Select databases and specify the number of hits
In the Settings area, go to the Search for drop-down list and choose the database or databases in which you want to search for addresses.
Note: The drop-down list shows all of the databases created in the data manager. You can also search for addresses from the POIs integrated in the programme.
In the entry field, specify the maximum number of addresses to be searched for in a database.
Set search radius
You can decide whether the distance between addresses and the centre point of the search area is determined using direct distance or the calculated route.
Direct distance
This search is very quick and is suitable for an initial overview.
From the Search radius drop-down list, choose the entry Distance (direct distance).
In the
km entry field, specify how far the address may be from the centre of the search area.
Distance on the road network
With this search, km calculates the actual route from the centre of the search area to each address found.
From the Search radius drop-down list, choose the entry Distance on the road network.
In the
km entry field, specify the permitted route length.
In the Vehicle drop-down list, choose the vehicle which should be used to calculate the route.
Specify whether the current traffic situation should be taken into account during route calculation.
Distance in minutes
The relevant measurement for this search is the time in which the vehicle can cover the route to the found addresses.
From the Search radius drop-down list, choose the entry Distance in minutes.
In the
Minutes entry field, specify the maximum length of time that the vehicle can spend driving.
In the Vehicle drop-down list, choose the vehicle which should be used to calculate the time.
Specify whether the current traffic situation should be taken into account during planning.
Note: In the route planning settings you can specify whether the distance or duration is calculated from the centre point of the search area to the addresses, or from the addresses to the centre point of the search area.
Set centre point of search area
You have the following options when determining the starting point for a local search.
... by conducting a location search in the "local search" tab
In the Address entry field, enter the location or coordinates.
Tip: You can also choose an address from the data manager or a POI as the centre point for a search. To do so, go to
and open the list of databases and POIs and specify the databases that you want to search.
- In the list of search results, choose the entry that you want to adopt as the centre of the search.
Once you have selected the centre of the search, the local search will start automatically.
... in the stop-off point list in the Planning tab
Right-click on the address in the stop-off point list around which you want to search.
- Select the entry
Find near to... in the context menu.
Once you have selected the centre of the search, the local search will start automatically.
... using the map
Right-click on the required centre point of the search on the map.
Select the entry
Find near to... in the context menu.
Make the desired settings.
Once you have selected the centre of the search, the local search will start automatically.
Choose hits and apply in route planning
In the results list, mark the addresses that you would like to apply in route planning.
Use the route planning settings
to make further specifications.
Element Description Direction of route planning Option From search point to addresses
Option From addresses to search point
Use the options to specify the direction of route calculation.
Note: The settings apply to the search for nearby addresses and for incorporation of these addresses into the stop-off point list.
Transfer starting point of local search with highlighted records to stop-off point list
If this option is enabled, the centre of the search is also applied in the route planning when the marked records are applied.
With the drop-down list, you can specify whether the centre of the search is to be applied as the starting point or as the destination point.
Centre address(es) on map and zoom in
If the option is enabled, the addresses which are selected in the search result are centred on the map and enlarged. -
Click on
Include in stop-off point list.
The records are applied as stop-off points in the route planning.
Copy location
You can copy the address data of the search centre or a hit to the clipboard.
Start a local search.
To copy the search centre, click on
Copy location above the list.
To copy the address of a hit, select the corresponding line and click
Copy location.
Tips: Double-click to open the detailed info on the found addresses.
You can process hits from your own databases. To do so, mark the address in the list of hits and click on Change at the top of the list.